
Pop Violet Lens Review (from Klenspop)

5:53 PM

Hey guys!

I'm back again with a new review today; after I got my lenses from Klenspop last month (Bunny color Brown and Say Chocolate) I loved them so much I decided to get another 2 pairs: Pop-violet and T.Top Valentine Brown

Brand: NEW BIO
Diameter: 14.0mm
Graphic Diameter: 13.6mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year (Max)
Country of origin: South Korea
Price Includes: 1 PAIR (2 pcs) + BONUS CASE

Photo as seen on the website

The shipping was 12 days, which is actually really good since on the website, it said 14-17 days!

Plus they shipped all the way from Korea, so pretty fast for half way around the world.

I was so happy to see this tiny little box in the mail again :)

The box looks the same as always, and it came safely to me thank god. The only marks that I could tell was this little black pen mark but that's it. It's such a cute tiny box (About the size of 2 index cards side by side)!

Here are the bubble wrapped packages (yesss bubble wrap c:).

Adorable packaging (as always)! This is the box that the Pop-Violet came in, or as I call it, the Taeyon box just because it looks like her instagram selcas. On the back are instructions, which I don't think anyone will be using because there are a few grammatical errors on it lol. But let's just take a moment to remember that Klenspop isn't a primarily English speaking company. I think it's kind of adorable actually and it's a good effort by them to please their English speaking audience!

This is what was inside the box: the lenses, a lens case, and plastic tweezers. I personally use a q-tip to remove the lenses from the jar, but hey, what do you know, it might come to use when I run out of q-tips

Design: 4.5/5 For starters, the lens looks almost exactly like the photos on the model. This is relieving because I've definitely seen many photos of lenses where the colors are completely off and the photos don't do justice for the true design. The hurricane pattern on the lenses look gorgeous in natural lighting. The only con I would have to say about the design is that it's very subtle and quite dark: this may be good for some lighter eyed wearers, but for me, my eyes are already as dark as can be, so I'd rather have some lighter colored lenses vs dark colored ones. But that's just my personal preference c:

Here are the lenses in the jar. Looks exactly like the photo online :)

Lovely hurricane design that you can find more of at klenspop.com.

Photo taken with flash so you can see the hurricane design. One thing I noticed was that these lenses are very dark, and with natural lighting, it was much more difficult to have a photo both in focus AND show the true design of the lenses.

The reason they were slightly out of focus because the lens was almost too dark for the camera to detect. However I smacked my camera into macro mode, changed the exposure, lala so I did catch a few good photos for you guys which will be shown down below c:

Comfort: 4/5 I noticed that these lenses are slightly thicker than the Bunny Brown and the Say Chocolate. Now needless to say, these were the only other lenses that I've tried, so I can't say I'm the best person when it comes to lens comfort qualifications, but needless to say, these lenses were also a little bit more difficult to put on and take off. Not extremely difficult, it's just that the other lenses I've tried pop right in and out, and these didn't due to their thickness. No other complaints, were still pretty darn comfy and no blurring.

Enlargement: 5/5 As seen below, the lenses are pretty enlarging for a 14 mm lens. Personally, I couldn't care less about enlargement and I'd actually prefer the smaller lenses vs the larger lenses. But you can look at the photo below and decide for yourself :3

Lens on the right eye and not the left. (indoor lighting)

Window lighting.

Below are some photos of Pop-Violet! (arranged according to lighting)

Window lighting, side view.

Window lighting, front view.

Window lighting, front view, side glance.
White light (lol my eyes got scared by the white light as you can tell).

Direct sunlight.



Flash (side view).

Overall: I'd give these lenses a 4/5 for their lovely design and pretty color. If only it were brighter, I could probably learn to deal with the thickness of the lens!

What do you guys think?

See you next time!
Bebe Beanie

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  1. Do a sharingan eye lens review from anime world for people who are into anime :)

    1. Oooh, thank you for the suggestion; I'll definitely see if I can find lenses like those. It's great to hear from you let me know if there are other ideas you have!

  2. Hi! I was wondering if you could do a review of Madonna Green lenses? They're on KLensPop and I'm thinking of buying them.

    1. Also, are all the lenses you bought so far from KLensPop soft?

    2. Ooh, I've been thinking about getting a green lenses recently, and I'll definitely review it soon. I do have a few other lenses I'm reviewing right now (model grey and brown, the tri tone green/maybe grey) but I'll definitely add Madonna green to my next order! And yes, all the lenses so far that I have bought so far are soft, some more than others, you can check out my reviews on them I have more detail there.

      Make sure to subscribe to get notified when I post my review on it!


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