
ML1 Grey Contacts Review

10:07 PM

Hey y'all!

Today, I'd like to review the ML1, as well as tell you my first impression of the product! I got the lenses from klenspop within 2 weeks or ordering so the shipping was super fast. 

By the way, I'm really loving Klenspop's new packaging! It's so bright and colorful and it really does make the POP in Klenspop :) 

I don't really get the slogan on the back though, but we'll go with it lol.

Here are the lenses in the bottle! To me, they appeared much more black than grey in the bottle, but that's because of the very dark limbal ring. Dark limbal rings create that nice, dolly look on the eyes.

It should also be mentioned that the lenses have a huge diameter. They're from G&G GBT, a company known for making natural lenses; these however, I consider to be one of their less natural lenses.

Here they are on my eyes! I think they look great personally, they'll make anyone's eyes look super dolly and round. I also love that they're 8.8 BC and not 8.6 BC, because 8.8 BC are a lot healthier and they're harder to find.

I really love the swirly design! I've taken a picture of the lens in direct sunlight below so you can see the design. As you can tell, the lenses are obviously grey (It will look different on different colored eyes).

I wasn't expecting a lighter color from these lenses tbh, and I quite like the naturalness of these lenses, while also being a bit flirty too, since it's super frilly.

Here's a photo for a direct comparison of enlargement and color difference. As you can tell, the lens is on the right and it's HUGE! It lightens my eye quite a big (but not a lot) and it really gives that dolly effect. Overall, these lenses will be great for an ulzzang look or a cosplay!

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Bebe Beanie

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