
Adovia: Dead Sea Mud Facial Mask Review

7:50 PM

Hey again!

So I was on Amazon and I saw this Dead Sea Mud Facial Mask by the brand Adovia. They had very high claims of their product!

Product Claims:

  • "MUD MASK BENEFITS: Reduce excess oils, minimize pores and experience radiant and clear skin with our Dead Sea Facial Mask. This Mud Mask Tightens and Purifies Pores leaving a Clear, Smooth & Younger Looking Complexion. Vitamin C, Aloe Vera and Jojoba Oil help to prevent over drying and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • We are so confident that you will love our skin care products that if you don't feel that your skin looks more clear, radiant and younger after using our Dead Sea Facial Mud Mask please contact us for a complete refund."
Perfect pores? Clear, smooth young looking skin? Yes, please. The delivery was very fast; the package was at my door on the fourth day (without Amazon Prime).

This is the packaging, but as for delivery, it's came in a normal brown cardbard box (like the klenspop ones) and had paper surrounding it to keep it from getting squashed. I always love some extra bubble wrap, but there was no need here as the product is not fragile.

When I tried out this product, I did notice that the consistency was not quite like other clay masks I've tried before, and it was little bit hard to get the product out of the bottle because the size of the hole in the bottle is quite literally smaller than a pencil's eraser. Those were just my first thoughts when I was applying the mask for the first time, but I actually really like the mask and here's why.

When I was washing of the mask for the first time, I was expecting to see the results when I looked up in the mirror. Instead I noticed the results the moment my hands touched my skin. It was so soft, I'd never even felt my skin as velvety soft as this before!

One thing I'd like to mention is that it's hard to get the mask to spread evenly. This is probably because it's hard to get a lot of product out in the first place, but it also is pretty thick of a texture. Here's a swatch so you can see the color.


Minimizes Pores: 3/5 Even though my skin was soft, my pores weren't exactly gone overnight. Also, keep in mind that you're only supposed to use this once a week, so the results don't really come super quick. However, they did come, I noticed my pores looked a little healthier.

Reduces excess oils: 4/5 My skin definitely wasn't barfing up as many oils as it normally does, and it's not a coincidence too because it's been 90 degree weather this past week! I have super oily skin on my forehead, and as I saw results with this product, I'll definitely continue using it.

Reduces wrinkles: 2/5 To be honest I saw no improvement on wrinkles, but I think I'd have to use this product for maybe another month in order to have a real testimony. I'll keep you guys updated.

What're your thoughts on clay masks? Which one is your favorite?

Make sure to tell me in the comments below!

See you next time,
Bebe Beanie

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  1. Lovely blog!Could you review more skin care produts like alba botanica anti oill weightless moisture?

    1. Thank you! I'll definitely look into that because I have a very oily T-zone. It's always great to hear from you, make sure to subscribe to be notified on my next update!

  2. you should review a foam cleanser for acne ( like aveeno) , lots of people have acne!

  3. Thank you for the suggestion! I'll definitely have to do my research to find a good cleanser for you guys. Make sure to subscribe to get notified when I update!


Bebe Beanie. Powered by Blogger.

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